Saturday, October 14, 2006

Columbus Day 2006

Columbus Day weekend was glorious, warm (during the day) and clear. There was a dregs party at Farrars, boats and floats were hauled and houses put away for the winter.If anyone has an interest in beekeeping on the Island please contact Debbie Murray or Fred Spencer.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Labor Day 2006

Despite the rain it was a welcome time with most Islanders in residence. The Island Dance was held in the mule barn, thanks to the efforts of Alice Spencer and others. The Hickson Cup tennis tournament took place on an accelerated schedule. The only casualty was the lobster bake which had to be cancelled due to the weather and uncertainties in the headcount. The Labor Day Annual Meeting approved projects for repair to Government Dock, resurfacing some of the tennis courts and attending to deferred maintenance items.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spring 2006 -New Caretakers

Jack and Jackie Turner have started, and are settled nicely in on the Island. They can be reached via email at

Thursday, March 9, 2006

March 2006

Jack Tyson passed away peacefully on March 9, 2006 at his New York apartment.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

February 2006

Sarah Meacham's Valentine's Day pot luck had a small but enthusiastic crowd who braved the snow. From Sarah:Present:Eliza & Jonathan Nolan, Oliver, Robert, SophiaMargie and Jon OxmanPete ThaxterDebby & Peter MurrayEvie Mallaris & John BeatyJocelyn and Kate ChaseSandra ThaxterMe = SarahThe news followed this drift:Green Grocer is closedThe Weavers want a renter: end of June; first two weeks of JulyCecile Richards will be the new head of national Planned ParenthoodRebecca and Catherine Duclos have a wonderful Hathaway painting of Whitehead that they would like to offer for sale to Islanders before they take it farther afield.Roger Amory, a friend of the Scribners, is interested in making a documentary film of Cushing's or of individual Cushing's families. I saw the one he did for his own family at their summer place in Marion MA. Rebecca Duclos did historical research on the island last summer and has written a report, which I will copy and send to all of you soon. She needs money to continue.Peter Murray has had back surgery.Jonathan had a scary staph infection.Robert and Oliver watched Sam Meacham's film.The Oxmans have a new cat.Sandra Thaxter says that she has been staying in the Tyson NYC apartment and that Agnes took Jack to Barbados after Christmas.The Beatys went to Peru and are passionate about the telling of their travels.Jocelyn is very fond of her new house. Both she and Kate say that Ric is doing quite well.Pete Thaxter said that Sue and Jason's little girls are doing their numbers and colors.Sarah saw the Sam Meachams in Mexico before Christmas, saw Louy & Co. in England in January, will see Edie in March, and will go to Turkey in April!!!Charlotte Spencer had her 93rd birthday last week. She's back in her apartment at Foreside Harbor and is a delight to see.
There was a general discussion about island work [contracting] for the summer. Sarah is having a ason work on their chimney. She also is lining up someone to empty the septic tank. That and other general work like painting, attic ventilation, etc.