Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bees 2007!

I have started an experiment and introduced two hives of bees (Carniolans-very gentle) this year, and in conjunction with the Landscape Committee (my brother John) will assess the impact on pollination rates across the island. They are in the meadow across from the Meacham's front porch and I am happy to give tours to whomever is interested. I hope to do a community honey extraction and bottling fest around Labor Day if the girls settle in. So far they are doing very well after a mixed start and are happily buzzing around. Thanks to master apiarist Debbie Murray for advice from someone who has a clue what to do. I am looking for ideas for a name but like "Whitehead Farm" as the Meacham farmhouse was moved from near Whitehead I think in the late 1800's and it makes a nice label. I will start a Bee Blog with pictures when I get time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Summer 2007

Congratulations to Andrew Quinn who was named a Nieman Fellow and will be at Harvard, back from South Africa for this coming year, and also to Dick Meserve who was just elected to the Board of Overseers (my vote counted!). Both hail-fellows well-met.