Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day 2008

Another terrific Labor Day weekend, if a bit early this year. The weather was great, the Island full and all the usual activities - plus croquet has returned!

The Labor Day dance was held once again at Battery Foote, thanks to the hard work of the Ingari-Sulivans, Danas, Perrys, Brews and others. The space was wonderful. the band was terrific and the beer excellent. The theme this year was The Oscars and some of the best dressed awards went to George Rapp, Lynne Meena, Antonia Perry, Nina Scribner and Jackie Brew.

Tennis - The Hickson Cup was won this year by the unstoppable duo of Phil Thayer and Jon Oxman.

Croquet - Thanks to the organization and planning of Becky Chase, croquet returned this year with a record 38 participants with matches on five courses. In a close final down to the final wicket, this year's match was won by Thomas Brew and Dan Coleman. Many thanks to the Perrys for supplying the Pimms.

Thanks to Dick Spencer for officiating the Labor Day annual meeting which went smoothly and quickly!

The Lobster Bake was held again at Big Beach under a clear sky, warm night, well fed mosquitos and low tide. Dick Balser officiated the raffle, Susie Dana sold tee- shirts and Debby Murray had the recently printed panorama views from ca. 1910 including the Ottawa House and early Coastal Artillery buildings. Many Islanders helped but the major effort, as always, was by the Colli family, Meserves, Murrays, Balsers and others who will let me know so I can update this.

Now on to fall! The summer construction restrictions are done, so start hammering! My honey bees on Farm Hill are busy finishing up gathering stores for winter - thanks to Sarah Meacham for watching over them. She is taking a beekeeping course in Augusta this winter if anyone wants to join in and help with driving.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Arts and Crafts Fair

The summer Arts & Crafts fair was held at the Meserves (big house) after a quick last minute change of venue due to some nasty weather. This added to the fun on the porch and inside, with a range of Island and mainland crafts - including first honey from my bees! There was a great range of items available and a great get-together. Thanks to the Meserves, Nielsens, Danas and others for organizing and contributing to this.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Truck Crews

There was a reunion of truck crew helpers through the ages, on Sunday evening at the Meacham's. Current and former crew attended, with the Turners.
Fond reminiscences of meeting boats in the rain, lawn mowing, garbage pick-ups and maggots were shared.

Public Works - Ottawa Avenue

On Sunday a volunteer work crew installed two new drains across Ottawa Avenue on the hill towards the Summer Landing.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

First Boat of the Season - 2008

What a mess. It was cold and very wet - heavy rain most of the weekend. Regardless, it was great to see the start to the season -

Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Boat of the Season - 2008

What a mess. It was cold and very wet - heavy rain most of the weekend. Regardless, it was great to see the start to the season. There were a few brave souls out, getting boasts launched and opening up their houses. Sarah Meacham has moved out for the summer - first task was to get her wood stove going. The summer floats at Government Dick were put in, and the float is in at Summer Landing and the ramp lowered. Too cold to have an Island get-together.