Saturday, August 16, 2008

Arts and Crafts Fair

The summer Arts & Crafts fair was held at the Meserves (big house) after a quick last minute change of venue due to some nasty weather. This added to the fun on the porch and inside, with a range of Island and mainland crafts - including first honey from my bees! There was a great range of items available and a great get-together. Thanks to the Meserves, Nielsens, Danas and others for organizing and contributing to this.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Truck Crews

There was a reunion of truck crew helpers through the ages, on Sunday evening at the Meacham's. Current and former crew attended, with the Turners.
Fond reminiscences of meeting boats in the rain, lawn mowing, garbage pick-ups and maggots were shared.

Public Works - Ottawa Avenue

On Sunday a volunteer work crew installed two new drains across Ottawa Avenue on the hill towards the Summer Landing.