Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

We had a good breeze but not too much rain when Hurricane Irene blew through last weekend. There was very good preparation hauling floats and boats, raising the ramps, securing the docks and coordinating the last scheduled boat before Harold had to cancel boat service on Sunday. The art auction was still held on Saturday, with an enthusiastic crowd and good representation by Island artists.

I don't think anyone lost power, although there were some lights flickering at one point.

By Monday the seas had calmed, with bright sunny skies, as people Islanders started to put things back to normal.

There are some pictures of the preparations and during the storm here.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hayes Family Celebration

The Hayes descendants (Farrar, Preneta, Painter families) celebrated the 100th anniversary of the construction of the family cottage. The entire Island was invited to join in the festivities, under beautiful, sunny skies.

A number of costume boxes were raided for period inspired attire, with some creative interpretation of the era.

Photos of the event are available here thanks to Sam Meacham and Sky Thaxter.