Sunday, February 18, 2007

Valentine's Day 2007

There was an enthusiastic turnout at Sarah Meacham's for her annual pot luck. The Turners came in from the Island with reports that there is minimal damage so far this winter - downed trees. There is a new beaver lodge in the Nolan Swamp, and there has been a squirrel sighting. Also the minks have become well established over by Big Beach. Dick Carson is looking for island workers for the summer, so please contact him if you have any leads.Notes from Sarah:Present were: Peter Lincoln, SSM, Pam and Bill Meserve, Cindy and Sky Thaxter, Mary McCann and Pete Thaxter, Fred Spencer and Emma, Dag and Bob Hamilton, Susie and Howdy Dana, Susan and Bob Nielsen, Jackie and Jack Turner, Chris Bond, Gretchen Preneta, Alice and Dick Spencer, Gloria and Pete Colli, Dan Colli [hiding in a local hotel with sick Andrew were Lisa and Peter Colli], Margie and Jon Oxman.
I think we were 27 strong with the usual delicious food. My big complaint is that there weren't more young [20 - 40 bracket] and there weren't any small fry.
News items:Fred Spencer saw Aggie Tyson in Australia this fall.Dag and Bob are in Portland for several weeksBob Nielsen has a new and exciting job.Jackie and Jack [sporting lush winter beard] report that there is a squirrel at their island bird feeder [HELP] and beavers building a lodge in the swamp!!!!!!!!!Gretchen has bought a house in PortlandSarah just back from visiting Louy & Co. in England where they had tea with Fred Spencer. Louy and family also spent Christmas in South Africa with Andrew Quinn who grew up in the Rapp house. Sam Meacham finally has his nonprofit in Mexico up and running so that we can all give him tons of money to continue to explore. I'll see Edie & Co. in March in Arizona.Thalia is living in EgyptKatharine Spencer is home from AustraliaEmma Bond is happy at McGill.

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